Friday, June 21, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness - Day 1

Today is the first day that we actually had nothing else planned out that would keep Neiko from doing his RAK. We decided to start with some fun sticky notes to make people smile.   We went into stealth mode early in the morning and left one on both his Godmother's car and his Tia's car.

We had to run a few errands and as we stopped in different places we left sticky notes all over.

In the bathroom at the pool after swimming lessons.

In the bathroom at the Starbucks.

In random places at Michaels.

In the bathroom at Target.

In random places in Target.

Even in the fridge at Target.
 We stopped at Grandma's and a friends to leave notes on their cars as well.  We also went and found two other cousin's and left notes on their cars as well.

Last but not least.....  We drove out to Neiko's Godmother's work and added 9 sticky notes to her windshield.  She figured us out and called and said that some one told her that her car was funny.

This was a super fun and cost free (other than some gas money) activity!  Hope we put smiles on faces!!!  Happy Friday!!